Todd Young


Bellevue, Washington


Corporate Loss Prevention Director - Coinstar, Inc. 


Consulting Director - International Financial Mgmt Advisory Company 




"Common sense is a skillset ..."

Why they're a Crisis Leader:

Todd is an experienced and articulate leader with a well-developed skill for second-level thinking.  

  • For example:  When someone steps on the brakes of their car they usually only think about their car coming to a stop.  Todd instantly also anticipates the 2nd and 3rd order effects of that. Such as the guy driving 2 cars back will spill his coffee and the bus 3 cars back will get stuck at the intersection.  
  • A simple example but most people, including many leaders, fail to see past the superficial and into the nuances in order to evaluate a situation more deeply.

And in his career as a private sector crisis leader, he’s faced down more than a few first and second level calamities for his clients/employers.

As you’ll see, his upbringing and personal pursuits all play a part in his approach to leadership.

Todd’s insights have enabled him to lead himself and others in virtually every organization he’s worked with … in calm and risky conditions. 

#1 "What is a Crisis Leader?"

[Audio Only - open the transcript below to read along]

Click to read a transcript of the answer "What is a Crisis Leader?"

#2 "What's an example when you relied on your own Crisis Leadership?"

[Audio Only - open the transcript below to read along]

Click to read a transcript of the answer "What's an example when you relied on your own Crisis Leadership?"

#3 "What do you know now that you wish you knew then?"

[Audio Only - open the transcript below to read along]

Click to read a transcript of the answer "What do you know now that you wish you knew then?"

#4 "What advice would you give someone who wants to improve their own Crisis Leadership?"

[Audio Only - open the transcript below to read along]

Click to read a transcript of the answer "What advice would you give someone who wants to improve their own Crisis Leadership?"

#5 "Who is a Crisis Leader that influenced your career?"

[Audio Only - open the transcript below to read along]

Click to read a transcript of the answer "Who is a crisis leader that influenced your career?"

Key Takeaways:

  • Take the blame not the credit
  • Common sense is a skill set
  • Remain calm under pressure
  • Ask "why?" 5 time to figure out what is going on
  • Readers are leaders
  • Lessons from the past teach us what to do in the future - be an avid reader
  • Have a mentor to provide you a professional example of what leadership looks like
  • There is a difference between leaders and managers and leaders and figure-heads
  • Have the discipline and foresight to reach out for other perspectives