Joe Monroe

Joe Monroe


Lexington, Kentucky


Chief of Police; University of KY


Chief of Police; University of KY




"Keep learning throughout your leadership journey ..."

Why they're a Crisis Leader:

Joe Monroe has earned the title of a crisis leader every step of his journey so far.

And unlike some people that reach the apex of their careers by crawling over others, Joe’s legacy includes a wide and deep wake of other devoted, competent, and successful leaders that he has cultivated along the way.

One of the other factors for Joe’s success as a crisis leader is the extraordinary network of other crisis leaders and other resources that he actively maintains. It’s a rare moment when he doesn’t have a relationship with someone to help in virtually any situation and even more rare that those contacts wouldn’t drop everything to help Joe.

Joe’s willingness to share what he knows to anyone who asks epitomizes his role as a crisis leader who is committed to leaving a lasting legacy.

His focus on leaving a useful legacy made such an impact on me that it inspired the name for this book project.

Thanks, Joe.

#1 "What is a Crisis Leader?"

Click to read a transcript of the answer "What is a Crisis Leader?"

#2 "What's an example when you relied on your own Crisis Leadership?"

Part 1 of 2:

Click to read a transcript of answer 1 of 2: "What's an example when you relied on your own Crisis Leadership?"

Part 2 of 2:

Click to read a transcript of answer 2 of 2: "What's an example when you relied on your own Crisis Leadership?"

#3 "What do you know now that you wish you knew then?"

Click to read a transcript of the answer "What do you know now that you wish you knew then?"

#4 "What advice would you give someone who wants to improve their own Crisis Leadership?"

Click to read a transcript of the answer "What advice would you give someone who wants to improve their own Crisis Leadership?"

#5 "Who is a Crisis Leader that influenced your career?"

Click to read a transcript of the answer "Who is a crisis leader that influenced your career?"

Key Takeaways:

  • Know your weaknesses so you know what needs improving
  • Learn to think quickly on your feet
  • Keep learning throughout your leadership journey
  • Make life safety a priority during a crisis
  • Leave a legacy for others to learn from
  • Focus on 10+ years out
  • Do what's right for the situation, even if you disagree 
  • Build up goodwill for future withdrawal