The Crisis Leader Interview Project

After I wrote my first book, The Response Leadership Sequence, one of the people that read it and liked it suggested a follow-up.  His idea for me was to bring some of the stories to life by collecting experiences from responders on how they worked their way through a crisis response.

This Crisis Leader Interview Project represents the next step of that vision.

While flying home from a business trip, I brainstormed a list of people that I felt had some inspirational and instructional crisis leadership stories to share and the five questions that I’d like to ask them.

Those five questions all centered around crisis leadership and gratefully, almost everyone I contacted agreed to participate in one form or another.

Keep reading for helpful background on the interviewees or click below to access their interviews.

Be sure to grab your free copy of the exclusive 'Key Takeaways' Report while you're here.

Crisis Leader Interviews
Crisis Leader Grid

Who is Included?  And Why?

How to Watch These Videos


Click the button below to navigate to the main interview page to hear their stories.

e-Learning - Leadership Fundamentals

For maximum benefit, enroll in one of my popular online training courses, Leadership Fundamentals.

In the innovative Leadership Fundamentals Online Training Course participants will learn the valuable knowledge and skills required for today's leaders to successfully and confidently lead before, during and after a crisis.

The evolution of leadership includes the below fundamentals presented in 8 valuable Lessons.  Each lesson builds on each other and fills the gaps that most training leaves out. 

The outcomes are real and immediate.

Click HERE to learn more about the Leadership Fundamentals Online Training opportunity.

Book - Legacy of Leadership - Volume 1

For both emerging and existing leaders, Legacy of Leadership Volume 1 - Stories and Strategies to Improve Your Crisis Leadership by Mike McKenna delivers useful and organized insights, compelling stories, and actionable strategies to immediately enhance their legacy as a crisis leader.

Legacy of Leadership v1 3d cover_multiple

Visit the book page HERE to learn more and to explore your purchase options for you and your team.
