“Those who can … do. Those who can do more, volunteer.” ~ Anonymous

The unpaid service of selfless volunteers is the lifeblood of many organizations and events.

  • Service & Response organizations
  • Community parades and festivals
  • Holiday special events
  • Sports tournaments
  • Missing person incidents
  • Weather events
  • Community preparedness drills, etc.

They all rely heavily on the force multiplication that trained and reliable volunteers can provide.

  • Having been on all sides of these scenarios (as a volunteer, event manager, responder, etc.) I can say without hesitation that many of these events would not even exist without access to these selfless and unpaid professionals.

With so many activities that increasingly rely on the service of volunteers, those volunteers that are available can afford to be selective.

However, if their time and service are not valued, they won’t be back.  

Or if they’re already a member of a volunteer organization, they will disengage.

Let's address how to reduce the chance of that happening.
