Most local volunteer teams require new members to:

  • complete an interview process
  • maintain minimum attendance requirements
  • maintain a basic level of physical fitness
  • possess a clean criminal record (many missions may involve a crime scene and volunteers must not potentially discredit the case)
  • earn the support of their family and employer to attend missions at odd hours
  • enroll in and take dozens of foundation courses ...

Just like education everywhere, SAR education is now also taught online.

Building the required knowledge online helps volunteers, teams, and agencies reduce the costs of attending an in-person class while increasing the consistency and accountability of those attendees.

Just like you're doing here.

Did You Know?

85% of all on-boarding and refresher training takes take place online. (via E-Learn-Info Industry Report).  

Online learners also report their top three results:

  1. Better productivity
  2. Improved development
  3. Competitive edge

The objective is simple and important: make sure members are knowledgeable and skilled before deploying them on an actual SAR mission.

In the SAR Intermediate course in Module 4a, we'll go into greater detail about the different SAR training standards and certifications responders may need.

Click here to preview the courses.

So just like you're doing now, the more quality training and depth of knowledge you have before joining a team, the faster you can become qualified to attend a real mission.


  1. Evaluate your weekly and monthly time commitments.  Do you have - or are you willing to create - at least 2-4 extra hours each week to training and preparing to be a SAR responder?
  2. Click HERE to read this case study about the costs of time and money associated with volunteer Search & Rescue (opens in new tab)

Everyone starting out in SAR has to adjust their schedule so there's no wrong answer.
