During a planned or unplanned event, the function primarily responsible for developing and sharing situational awareness is aptly called the Situation Unit.

The functional role of the Situation Unit is derived from the Incident Command System (ICS) … so it’s widely used and broadly understood.  

However, some organizations refer to where the situational awareness function lives as the War Room, the Nerve Center, etc.  

Regardless of what it’s called, as long as everyone knows what to expect, the function is more important than the label.

In the standard ICS configuration, the Situation Unit is found within the Planning Section.

One of the benefits to a dedicated Situation Unit is to enable a consistent flow of situational awareness into and out of the incident management team.

Passing the same, unfiltered information onto others doesn’t add much value. 

The information must be analyzed somewhere during its journey to determine its usefulness.
